Showing 226 - 250 of 982 Results
The Encyclopdia of Geography: Comprising a Complete Description of the Earth, Physical, Stat... by Wallace, William, Murray, H... ISBN: 9781143553806 List Price: $45.75
Discovery and Adventure in the Polar Seas and Regions by Murray, Hugh ISBN: 9781143409929 List Price: $48.75
Morality of Fiction: Or, an Inquiry Into the Tendency of Fictitious Narratives by Murray, Hugh ISBN: 9781145302075 List Price: $22.75
Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa, Volume 2 by Murray, Hugh, Leyden, John ISBN: 9781146982443 List Price: $40.75
Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa, from the Earliest Ages to the Prese... by Murray, Hugh, Leyden, John ISBN: 9781146973540 List Price: $44.75
Historical and Descriptive Account of British India, from the Most Remote Period to the Pres... by Wallace, William, Murray, H... ISBN: 9781147560091 List Price: $32.75
Narrative of Discovery and Adventure in Africa: From the Earliest Ages to the Present Time w... by Murray, Hugh, Wilson, James... ISBN: 9781148266213 List Price: $33.75
Reminiscences of John Murray Forbes (Volume 3) by Hughes, Sarah (Forbes) ISBN: 9781154282375 List Price: $21.42
Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa, from the Earliest Ages to the Prese... by Murray, Hugh, Leyden, John ISBN: 9781145460218 List Price: $43.75
History of British India: Continued to the Close of the Year 1854 by Murray, Hugh ISBN: 9781145377134 List Price: $50.75
The Travels of Marco Polo by Murray, Hugh, Polo, Marco, ... ISBN: 9781146761468 List Price: $32.75
An Historical and Descriptive Account of China: Its Ancient and Modern History, Language, Li... by Murray, Hugh, Crawfurd, Joh... ISBN: 9781148498713 List Price: $38.75
An Historical and Descriptive Account of British America, Volume I by Murray, Hugh ISBN: 9780559393211 List Price: $28.99
The United States of America: Their History from the Earliest Period; Their Industry, Commer... by Murray, Hugh, Nicol, James ISBN: 9781144047397 List Price: $33.75
The Travels of Marco Polo by Murray, Hugh, Polo, Marco ISBN: 9781146399029 List Price: $33.75
Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in Africa, Volume 1 by Murray, Hugh, Leyden, John ISBN: 9781146956697 List Price: $39.75
Histoire Complte Des Voyages Et Dcouvertes En Afrique, Depuis Les Sicles Les Plus Reculs Jus... by Murray, Hugh, Leyden, John ISBN: 9781146976503 List Price: $33.75
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